
  1. T

    [Not Working!] 9000hd no work

    :mad: 9000hd no work.
  2. K

    [Awesome!] Awesome DIY Light(er)-Cycle

    Some mad genius in China has come up with the coolest do-it-yourself gadget I’ve seen in a long while. Everyone knows the lightcycle from TRON right? *sidetrack* If not, go see TRON: Legacy in 3D right now! It was one of the most visually satisfying movies I’ve ever seen, and was pure...
  3. sbanditz

    [Not Working!] Getting Hashed on 2700A - WTF?!?

    Jeepers nothing better to do on a Wed. night than make me not want to watch FTA :mad: A fix would be nice :Laugh:
  4. fluffi

    Greets to all

    hello to all I am from canada if u need help with computer software/hardware problems I may be able to help u (:mad: NO questions on HACKING OR FREAKING ! ) so to all greets fly out.
  5. J

    Viewsat Max Down?????

    Is viewsat max down? :mad: is there a new bin available?
  6. R

    Cw 800!!!!

    We are down again!! :mad: CW800 Puerto Rico!!!