
  1. the doctor

    Tony Rock: Alcohol Is a Drug

    I love alcohol, man. Some people call alcohol a drug, too. Some people say that, 'Alcohol's a drug.' Not me, I call it a vitamin. 'Cause whatever your deficiency is, alcohol will treat it.
  2. A

    Vitamin B lack linked to Alzheimer's

    Vitamin B lack linked to Alzheimer's STOCKHOLM, Sweden, -- Vitamin B12 -- found in fish, poultry and other meat -- may protect against Alzheimer's disease, researchers in Sweden suggest. Dr. Babak Hooshmand of Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, says the seven-year study involved...
  3. A

    Half worldwide don't get enough vitamin D

    Half worldwide don't get enough vitamin D RIVERSIDE, Calif., Half the people in North America and Western Europe get insufficient amounts of vitamin D, an international expert on vitamin D says. "Elsewhere, it is worse, given that two-thirds of the people are vitamin D-insufficient or...
  4. A

    Paltrow says she has vitamin D deficiency

    Paltrow says she has vitamin D deficiency LONDON, (UPI) -- Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who lives in London, has told her fans she has been diagnosed with dangerously low levels of vitamin D. On her blog, Goop, Paltrow said a bone scan after she suffered a fracture five years ago...
  5. A

    Study: Folate may aid spinal cord healing

    Study: Folate may aid spinal cord healing MADISON, Wis., (UPI) -- A U.S. National Institutes of Health-funded laboratory study suggests the B vitamin folate can promote healing in damaged rat spinal cord tissue. The investigation, led by University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Bermans Iskandar, an...
  6. A

    TV ads promote unhealthy foods

    TV ads promote unhealthy foods SAVANNAH, Ga., (UPI) -- Foods advertised on television tend to be high in saturated fat, cholesterol and salt, and low in nutrients that protect against disease, U.S. researchers say. The study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association...
  7. B

    I knew they would someday release the ingredients in Viagra!

    I knew they would someday release the ingredients in Viagra! 3% Vitamin E 2% Aspirin 2% Ibuprofen 1% Vitamin C 5% Spray Starch* 87% Fix-A-Flat.