My application by Kenan04


New member
Hey, today I will show you my application by me. Okay today i'm going to tell you my staff my experience and my information!! :D

Okay, Information: Hey, my name is Adem Adem Hogic I know a bit weird name but I'm not from England or America I'm from Sweden. So don't blame me that I'm not online when it's about 11 am and In Sweden it's about 2 am...... But I will try to be online everyday as possible! I am 15 years old and as told I come from Sweden I found this server on youtube and I really like it I mean REALLY really like it! I have been playing Minecraft since 2009 and I still play it Never gets old.

Now Experience: My experience as a staff if big BIG and I've been Trial-Mod, Trial-Admin, Mod, Admin, Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Head-Mod and also Owning a server by myself (it's still on). I am a really good Builder and I want to apply for Admin today or Head-Admin! And i am a good builder I always help out people Ik how to make prefixes and when someone calls for help and after 10 minutes they are happy again! I am just good with this job I have experience and I know how to help people and play this game! :) I like the Owners very much because they are very helpful and now I want to be a part of that!

I hope you like this apply by Kenan04 and have an awesome day!