
  1. the doctor

    Romney plans aggressive push before Iowa caucuses (AP)

    AP - Feeling optimistic, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday was positive on TV with an upbeat, new ad but in person went negative against President Barack Obama. He also announced an aggressive schedule of campaign events for the days leading up to next week's caucuses...

    Canada calls for aggressive European debt action

    Europe's debt problem will get harder and more expensive to solve unless European leaders act aggressively to deal with it, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday. "The issues facing Europe won't get better, but more difficult to handle and more expensive if not addressed in a...
  3. A

    Aggressive Elmo irks Times Square

    Aggressive Elmo irks Times Square NEW YORK, -- Batman and other regular characters in New York's famed Times Square say they aren't happy an aggressive Elmo has returned to bug tourists. "He swears and curses. Times Square was better when he was gone," the guy dressed as Batman told the...