
  1. No Warranty

    Harper heads to G8 summit amid shrinking expectations

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper has come down firmly against arming the Syrian rebels, but he may have to re-align his policy with G8 allies who are all moving away from the sidelines, the CBC's Terry Milewski says. More...
  2. the doctor

    State Dept: Americans take refuge at Cairo embassy (AP)

    AP - Three American citizens barred from leaving Egypt have sought refuge at the American Embassy in Cairo amid growing tensions between the two allies over an Egyptian investigation into foreign-funded pro-democracy groups. More...

    Venezuela rejects US accusations against officials

    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela is protesting a U.S. government decision to blacklist four allies of President Hugo Chavez for allegedly aiding Colombian rebels. The state-run AVN news agency says the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry made a formal complaint to the top official at the U.S...