
  1. G

    [ALERT!] Staff APplication :D

    I want to apply for co-owner. My Age : 11 What am i good in : A bit in building, good in plugins, adding permisssions and stuff Why i want to be a co-owner : To help improve the server and i will ban / mute people if i have to. I will support for that server :D ign: amiraznan
  2. H

    co-owner application for - Haydz

    1. What is your Name? My IGN is called: Haydz 2. How old are you? My current Age is: 14 years of age 3. What rank are you interested in? The Rank I Would Love To Take Part Is on Being an co-owner Why? Due to the Fact that you have at least one Co-Owner, if I’m Not Mistaken, and I Believe What...