
  1. Freaky Boy

    How to make your computer Ethernet instead of a WiFi connection?

    My Windows 7 desktop computer has both WIFI and wired Ethernet, I want to used wired only because it faster. I do not want to disable the WIFI on the router as I have a laptop and an Xbox I want to keep connected. How do I disable it, so it will not come back on when I restart?
  2. No Warranty

    Senator Tkachuk defends handling of expense scandal

    The former chair of the Senate's internal economy committee says a senator who is launching a legal challenge of an order to repay thousands of dollars in expenses "was given due process." More...
  3. the doctor

    After protest, Congress puts off movie piracy bill (AP)

    AP - Caving to a massive campaign by Internet services and their millions of users, Congress indefinitely postponed legislation Friday to stop online piracy of movies and music costing U.S. companies billions of dollars every year. Critics said the bills would result in censorship and stifle...
  4. the doctor

    After protest, Congress puts off movie piracy bill (AP)

    AP - Caving to a massive campaign by Internet services and their millions of users, Congress indefinitely postponed legislation Friday to stop online piracy of movies and music costing U.S. companies billions of dollars every year. Critics said the bills would result in censorship and stifle...
  5. B

    new golf clubs?"

    "Where did you get those new golf clubs?" asked Mrs. Cranby. "Don't worry, darlin'. They didn't cost a thing," answered her spouse. "They were marked down from six hundred dollars to three hundred dollars. So, I bought them with the three hundred bucks I saved!"

    2 Eight Year Old Boys

    Two eight-year-old boys played in a vacant lot everyday, and across the street was a brothel. Day after day they saw men go up, knock on the door, go in, and eventually come out happy and smiling. One day they became curious and decided to see what was going on. The madam answers the door and...

    The Ex-Wife and the Genie

    The Ex-Wife and the Genie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day a man was planting flowers outside his new house when he found a bottle with a cork in it. He took out the cork and with a poof, a genie came out. ''I will grant you three wishes...