
  1. No Warranty

    Canada can meet 2020 emissions target, report says

    The Conservative government is on the right track with its approach to greenhouse gas reductions, but it needs an extra push to reach its 2020 targets, a new report says. More...
  2. FTA Hacker

    SpyEye hacking kit adds Android infection to bag of tricks

    The SpyEye hacking toolkit has added an Android component that collects the text messages some banks use as an extra security precaution, a researcher said today. More...
  3. FTA Hacker

    Cyberwar and cyber-isolationism

    There has been a bit of a splash in the press the last few days about a mention by former CIA Director Michael Hayden of the idea of creating new, extra secure internets for government or commerce. More...

    Space station getting extra storage room

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – The International Space Station is getting an extra storage room. Space shuttle Discovery delivered the new compartment over the weekend. The orbiting astronauts will install the 21-foot-long chamber Tuesday morning. It's loaded with supplies as well as a humanoid robot...
  5. A

    Southwest bumps skinny fare for fat

    Southwest bumps skinny fare for fat DALLAS, Southwest Airlines admits they bumped a skinny person from a flight from Las Vegas to Sacramento to make room for a fat person to have an extra seat. The latest incident involving the airline, an allegedly obese person and a thin person happened...

    Leo for July

    Monthly Overview (This Month) Leo 7/23 – 8/22 If you have one teeny tiny, itty bitty, minuscule imperfection, it's that sometimes you're just a tad headstrong. Sure, this imperfection is often one of your greatest assets, as you don't hesitate to make a move when you think it's time, and more...