
  1. R

    Won't Extract VS HDMAX

    I have downloaded the HD MAX fix but it won't extract. It says that no files are present?
  2. B

    Skyview Max V5.1

    Skyview Max V5.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temporary Replacement file
  3. soubi

    Skyview Max 2000 PVR v5.1 (12-14-08)

    Skyview Max 2000 PVR v5.1 Enjoy!
  4. R

    [General Question?] New update for VS MAX

    Is there a update for VS MAX HD for today. Other systems are listed but not the MAX,
  5. J

    Viewsat Max Down?????

    Is viewsat max down? :mad: is there a new bin available?
  6. B

    VS MAX HD PFTAHDMSW_080929HM First Release

    Here is the first release for the VS MAX HD. Both DN & Bev are working. More info as to the add-on module for the VS MAX HD will come later as it is still being designed. It will be a simple plug and play type module.

    Skyview Max v4.5 Sept 30/08

    Skyview Max v4.5 Sept 30/08 Scramble fix:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
  8. soubi

    Skyview Max 2000 PVR v4.1 (9-22-08)

    Skyview Max V4.1 DN FiX
  9. scotty2hottie076

    SkyviewMaxV2.5 DN fix 7-10-2008

    This is the latest fix for the skyview max 2000 DN up