
  1. C

    Candy Corn

    1 cup sugar 2/3 cup white corn syrup 1/3 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup powdered milk food coloring (optional) Combine sugar, butter, and corn syrup in pan and bring to a boil stirring CONSTANTLY. Turn heat low and boil 5 minutes. Stir...
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    International House Of Coffee Flavored Coffees

    To Make Coffee: Use rounded teaspoons of the following mixes to taste. Cafe Bavarian Mint: 1/4 C. Powdered Creamer 1/3 C. Sugar 1/4 C. Instant Coffee 2 T. Powdered Baking Cocoa 2 hard candy Peppermints Process in a blender on liquify until well blended. Store in an air tight container. Cafe...