
  1. the doctor

    French defense minister backs Taliban talks (AP)

    AP - France's defense minister on Sunday backed U.S. efforts to open peace talks with the Taliban, saying a proposed Taliban liaison office outside Afghanistan would provide a venue for those within the radical Islamic movement who are willing to explain their positions. More...
  2. the doctor

    FACT CHECK: GOP candidates get Obama policy wrong (AP)

    AP - Republican presidential candidates have claimed that the Obama administration is cleansing government files of references to radical Islam, an assertion so juicy that politicians keep repeating it — even though it's a wild exaggeration. More...

    Mother Nature's Cleanser May Help Study of Global Warming

    Scientists have long known about the atmosphere's ability to cleanse itself of nasty pollutants such as benzene and methane. But they haven't always understood how nature's cleanser worked. Now, thanks to a new study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, they do. The cleanser...
  4. A

    Radical turned teacher is retiring

    Radical turned teacher is retiring CHICAGO, William Ayers, former Vietnam War era radical turned education professor, will retire after two decades at the University of Illinois, a school official said. During the Vietnam War, Ayers, was a member of a radical group called the Weather...