
  1. Attawapiskat shelter may be ready by Christmas

    About 20 families in the northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat are expected to escape their ramshackle homes on Dec. 23 and move into a healing centre that will serve as a temporary shelter, according to the Red Cross. More...
  2. RCMP grilled Canadian now held in Mexico

    The RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency back in September investigated and even briefly detained a Canadian woman now under arrest in Mexico, where police allege she was involved in a plot to shelter and hide one of former Libyan dictator Mommar Gadhafi's sons. More...
  3. Rescued dogs on way to Edmonton shelter

    The Saskatoon SPCA is getting help from the Edmonton Humane Society to cope with 31 greyhound and mixed-greyhound dogs recently seized from a farm in Saskatchewan. The animals were found to be in distress on May 30 following an investigation by the Saskatchewan SPCA. A total of 32 dogs were...
  4. Toronto declares extreme cold alert

    Toronto has issued its first extreme cold alert of the season. Toronto has declared an extreme cold weather alert, aimed at helping people who live on the streets. Outreach workers will focus on convincing people to go inside, and provide transportation to shelters or places homeless people...
  5. NYC officials charging rent at homeless shelters to people with jobs

    NYC officials charging rent at homeless shelters to people with jobs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Even the homeless can't escape the high price of a night in New York City. City officials this month...