
  1. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft offers ideas for users to beat the BEAST threat

    Microsoft is urging customers to update vulnerable versions of SSL to a newer one that is not susceptible to a recently published exploit called BEAST, but in the meantime it recommends steps that lessen the risk of being victimized. More...
  2. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft fixes SSL 'kill switch' blooper

    Microsoft re-released an update today for Windows XP to correct a snafu that left users vulnerable to potential "man-in-the-middle" attacks for most of last week. More...
  3. FTA Hacker

    Symantec cloud-based service seeks out 'rogue certificates'

    Symantec this week introduced what it calls the Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center, a cloud-based service that works with an on-premises software component to keep track of SSL server certificates used by an organization. More...
  4. FTA Hacker

    GlobalSign plans to reopen Tuesday despite web server hack

    GlobalSign expects to bring its certificate-issuing systems back online on Monday, and resume business Tuesday, it said over the weekend. The U.S. certificate authority (CA) stopped issuing new SSL certificates last Tuesday in order to audit its security, after being named as a target by the...
  5. FTA Hacker

    Apple strikes stolen SSL certificates from OS X

    Apple today released an update to Mac OS X that blocks Safari users from reaching sites secured with certificates stolen from a Dutch company last summer. More...
  6. FTA Hacker

    DigiNotar hacker threatens to expand spy attacks using stolen certificates

    The hacker with links to several breaches of SSL certificate-issuing networks this year admitted sharing stolen certificates with others in Iran, and threatened to extend future spy-style attacks to computer users in the U.S., Europe and Israel. More...
  7. FTA Hacker

    Google contacts Iranian users to secure Gmail accounts

    Google is directly contacting users in Iran, who may have been compromised by a rogue SSL certificate, to recommend measures to secure their accounts. More...
  8. FTA Hacker

    Researcher raps Apple for not blocking stolen SSL certificates

    A security researcher criticized Apple for what he called "foot dragging" over the DigiNotar certificate fiasco, and urged the company to quickly update Mac OS X to protect users. More...
  9. FTA Hacker

    Symantec responds to 'panic' around DigiNotar hack

    Citing "panic" resulting from a hack on Dutch SSL certificate provider DigiNotar, Symantec has confirmed that its SSL Certificate Authorities VeriSign, Thawte, GeoTrust and RapidSSL roots remain secure. More...
  10. FTA Hacker

    Dutch government struggles to deal with DigiNotar hack

    The Dutch government is trying to minimize the effect of the DigiNotar hack on its IT infrastructure but warned it's a time-consuming process: Not all the SSL certificates can be replaced on the fly. More...
  11. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft patches SSL security threat

    Microsoft is rolling out a worldwide patch that deems all DigiNotar SSL certificates to be untrustworthy except for OSes in the Netherlands, as*requested by the Dutch government. More...
  12. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft: Stolen SSL certs can't be used to install malware via Windows Update

    Microsoft said that a digital certificate stolen from a Dutch company could not be used to force-feed customers malware through its Windows Update service. More...
  13. FTA Hacker

    Hackers may have stolen over 200 SSL certificates

    Hackers may have obtained more than 200 digital certificates from a Dutch company after breaking into its network, including ones for Mozilla, Yahoo and the Tor project, a security researcher reported today. More...
  14. FTA Hacker

    Hackers stole Google SSL certificate, Dutch firm admits

    The Dutch company that issued a rogue digital certificate for all Google Internet domains said Tuesday that its network had been hacked last month. More...
  15. FTA Hacker

    Google one of many victims in SSL certificate hack

    A Dutch company that issues digital certificates used to authenticate websites said late Tuesday that several dozen other websites in addition to Google have been affected by a security breach. More...
  16. FTA Hacker

    Twitter turns on SSL encryption for some users

    Twitter is slowly turning on automatic encryption on its website, a move following other major providers of web-based services to thwart account hijacking over wireless networks. More...
  17. FTA Hacker

    Security rundown for week ending Aug. 19

    Some older assumptions about security -- such as firewalls are needed for perimeter defense, and we'll all make do with reusable passwords and browser-based SSL connections provide great security -- were once again ripped apart as we heard this week from several individuals who say they simply...
  18. CASPER

    [New Fix] N3xt_2.10

    N3xt_2.10 -- change smartcard ecm retry on 1st fail -- fix for use with dvb epg in win7 ================================================== A brief explanation of the windows 7 bug and fix is in order. Some dvb apps when used with certain epg plugins cause a delay in the network connection...
  19. CASPER

    Nimiq 5 Now Maneuvering Magnificently

    Nimiq 5 Now Maneuvering Magnificently c/p Nimiq 5 satellite (SSL) Space Systems/Loral (SS/L), a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications (Nasdaq:LORL), has announced that Nimiq 5, a DTH television satellite built for Telesat, is performing post-launch maneuvers according to plan. The...
  20. CASPER

    N3xt rev 001.8_11/09/09

    N3xt rev 001.8_11/09/09 Latest Change: rev 001.8 Added SSL support and proxy chaining to proxies. See cardclient.conf for configuration details. Changed smartcard to support either 24 byte or 37 byte dt06-0d. See smartcard.conf for details. Add new console display options focusing on smartcard...