
  1. FTA Hacker

    Desktop virtualization users say the technology brings challenges

    Sacking the old PC in favor of desktop virtualization is starting to grow and the information technology managers taking the lead on that trend offered some perspectives on the networking and security challenges it brings. More...
  2. FTA Hacker

    Small businesses fail to address data risks in server virtualization

    A recent Symantec survey of adoption of virtualization within small businesses revealed that most companies are failing to take even the most basic steps to reduce risks to their data. More...
  3. FTA Hacker

    The 5 biggest IT security mistakes

    Like cleaning the windows, IT security can be a thankless task because they only notice when you don't do it. But to get the job done in the era of virtualization, smartphones and cloud computing, you've got to avoid technical and political mistakes. In particular, here are five security...
  4. FTA Hacker

    Former Citrix CTO says virtualization will solve security problems

    Instead of worrying about how virtualization can be secured, the startup Bromium says its virtualization that will secure everything else. More...