
  1. FTA Hacker

    Google one of many victims in SSL certificate hack

    A Dutch company that issues digital certificates used to authenticate websites said late Tuesday that several dozen other websites in addition to Google have been affected by a security breach. More...
  2. FTA Hacker

    Over 100 Indian govt. websites defaced since January

    A total of 117 Indian government websites were defaced by hackers from January to June this year, prompting the government to take additional security measures, a federal minister told Parliament. More...
  3. FTA Hacker

    Google fixes flaw that scrubbed websites from search index

    Google has disabled a feature that could allow people to remove websites from its search index following a problematic discovery by an astute observer. More...
  4. FTA Hacker

    Anonymous attacks Turkish websites again

    Hacker group Anonymous said late Wednesday that its Antisec movement hacked and defaced Turkish government websites, in protest against new Internet filtering rules that come into force in the country in August. More...
  5. No Warranty

    Anti-corruption websites pop up in China

    (CNN) -- Chinese web developers are using a new weapon aimed at fighting corruption: sites encouraging people to share stories of bribes online. Such sites -- inspired by a similar idea in India -- have surged in the past few weeks, but they've had a shaky start. Interest in the idea gained...
  6. F

    Fuzzy edges on web pictures???

    Does anyone know how to remove the fuzzy edges from pictures I download from websites?? No sure why this is happening. Thanks Flairwoms