
  1. Activists say Syrian troops kill 100 in village (AP)

    AP - As government troops advanced on a village in northwestern Syria, activists say the terrified residents fled into a valley for fear of being arrested or worse. What happened next, one of the activists said, was "an organized massacre." More...
  2. A

    Reid: Things could be worse in Nevada

    Reid: Things could be worse in Nevada WASHINGTON (UPI) -- U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Friday unemployment in Nevada, now the highest in the country, would be worse without federal spending. Reid, in a Senate speech, credited federal stimulus money for creating 4,000...
  3. B

    Two drunks

    Two drunks were walking home along the railway tracks. The first drunk says, "There's a hell of a lot of steps here." The second drunk says, "I'll tell you what's worse, this hand rail is bloody low down"