BP putting chemical dispersants in Gulf



BP putting chemical dispersants in Gulf
NEW ORLEANS, (UPI) -- BP has continued to use high levels of chemical dispersants on the gulf oil spill despite a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency order to cut back, CNN reports.

CNN said it examined reports on dispersant use from the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command before and after EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's May 26 order. It found BP's use of Corexit dropped 9 percent after May 26 from 25,689 gallons a day to 23,250 gallons.

The EPA told CNN the order was issued because of a spike in dispersant use May 23, when BP dumped 70,000 gallons into the Gulf of Mexico.

The Deepwater Horizon spill is already the largest in U.S. history.

"I think the EPA has been struggling to respond to this crisis," said Aaron Viles with the Gulf Restoration Network. "It's all really a giant science experiment and we're terribly concerned that in the long run the impacts are going to be significant and we really don't know what we're doing to the ecosystem."