[Attention] Lost or Forgotten your SViHub S/N#, No Problem

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All SViHubs pretty much utilize the same hex decimal serial number
except for the 2 center bytes that have been shown in the example
below as XXs:

Sample SViHub S/N: 5E 02 E1 02 XX XX 0A 12

Note: In the event that your S/N has a lower case a or a d in it, this
is more important to you, given that these letters are harder to read and
are difficult to differentiate from one another.

Ok, so let's get started, in order to find out what the XX's are, do the

1. Open Wiznet and do a search and look at the mac address, you'll see something like: 00:90:bc:0f:xx xx - with xx xx actually being the parts you need for your SViHub S/N.

Armed with the previously missing data, you are now ready to complete your SViHub S/N.

2. Now enter the complete serial number in to the ipconfig

Please note, It can take up to 20 minutes for this to kick in and start working. With most SViHubs responding in about 1 to 3 minutes. As such, please ensure you have given them enough time to 'authenticate'.

This methods works at this time because, TeamSV has yet to press the "The Two Byte" security method.

Hope that helps

B hunter
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