Sven and Olly


New member
Sven and Olly


Sven and Olly got fired so they went to the unemployment office. Sven walked up to the counter and politely said, "I Sven. I no job." "Okay. What did you do?" asked the clerk. "I vas da panty stitcher. I sew elastic into women's panties." "Oh, really? Let me look that up." She consulted her guidebook. "Unfortunately, Sven, I can only give you $300 a week because that's an unskilled profession." "Ho-kay. I take. Tank you veddy much!" Sven took his $300 check and sat down. Then Olly stepped up to the counter. "I Olly. I no job!" "And what did you do?" "I vas diesel fitter." "Oh. Let me look that up." She consulted the book again. "Here it is--diesel fitter. I can give you $1,000 a week because that's a skilled profession." "Tank you veddy much!" Olly took his $1,000 check, walked over to Sven and showed it to him. Sven returned to the counter in a huff! "Vas is dis? I ony make tree hunnid dollar but my friend make a tauwsand?!" "I'm sorry, Sven, but your friend's profession is skilled while your profession is unskilled." "What? What you mean? I have skill. I sew elastic into women's panties. That skill! All Olly do is put them over his head and say, 'Yah, dese'll fit her!'"