Woman attacked by bison at Yellowstone



Woman attacked by bison at Yellowstone

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo., A 49-year-old Utah woman was struck and flipped in the air by a bison at Yellowstone National Park, U.S. Park Service officials said Tuesday.

The Park Service said in a release the incident occurred about 8:30 p.m. Monday as the woman and a 61-year-old family member were leaving the Biscuit Basin thermal area to rejoin their family in the parking lot. The bison charged out of some nearby brush and hit the woman, who was injured by the animal's impact and from hitting the ground.

The woman's relative wasn't hurt by the bison but injured his shoulder, hand and foot when he tripped and fell.

The family started heading to Jackson, Wyo., in their own vehicle but were intercepted by rangers and emergency crews who transported the victims to a hospital in Jackson.

The Park Service said it was the second time this summer a park visitor had been injured by a bison.

Rangers advise bison weigh up to 2,000 pounds, can run up to 30 mph, are dangerous and should never be approached.