Is AMD or Intel better as a computer processor?


New member
I'm planning to buy a new computer soon and I'm not sure if I should choose AMD or Intel. Please advice. Thanks!

TC 422

New member
Intel. They have 45nm CPU's, and they can overclocked much better. But, if you're on a budget then AMD isn't bad.


New member
Core i7 is about to be released its the best;_ylu=X3oDMTEyM2o0aDhvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA00wMDJfODc-/SIG=11tg678jd/EXP=1226976010/**http%3a//


New member
They are always copying each other. They are almost identical. If you're on budget, go AMD. But Intel overclock better. Both should serve you equally well.


New member
Although Intel is the better all around chip (multimedia, gaming, applications, processing), AMD runs cooler and uses less energy. I'd go with Intel, but AMD is not a bad choice if you're on a budget.


New member
LOL well amd and intel have gone back and forth but the Intel is currently smashing on AMD. here's a nice test next time your at a bestbuy or where ever, go to the computer you want to check out and run the screensaver Bubbles watch the lag. it will vary from processor to processor. Core 2 duo is an affordable and dependable from the 5750 to the 8000+ seres and are used in todays top gaming machines even toshiba who favors AMD over INTEL used the Core 2 in its gaming machines.

Mr Opinion

New member
just think again who you are in computer usage ...if you want to make something tough or hard just choose intel...there are the new one call i7 (the new future of cpu)but it was so expensive ...but if you choose for AMD least they a winner of cool & quiet system..n the performance is good for price...i have one ( only.....AMD Athlon 64x2) n that not disappoint me.