
  1. No Warranty

    National chief supports civil disobedience over Attawapiskat

    National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations Shawn Atleo says civil disobedience is one form of action that could be used to draw attention to the current crisis in Attawapiskat. More...
  2. the doctor

    UN: Syria in a state of civil war (AP)

    AP - Syria has entered a state of civil war with more than 4,000 people dead and an increasing number of soldiers defecting from the army to take up arms against President Bashar Assad's regime, the U.N.'s top human rights official said Thursday. More...
  3. the doctor

    Russia says Syria's crisis looks like 'civil war' (AP)

    AP - Syria's allies in Russia called for urgent talks Thursday between Damascus and the opposition, saying an attack by Syrian renegade troops on a government building looks like the start of a civil war. More...
  4. FTA Hacker

    If the riots resume, will the UK try to block social media?

    Scrambling to deter future violent rioting, the U.K. government is considering shutting down social networks such as Twitter and Facebook during civil disturbances, but the heavy-handed proposal is already drawing criticism. More...

    Hundreds of thousands strike in UK pensions row

    Hundreds of thousands of British public sector workers went on strike Thursday to defend their pensions, causing widespread disruption to schools and state-run services. A third of English schools were closed and another third were affected, officials said, as up to 350,000 teachers, lecturers...
  6. FTA Hacker

    Illinois civil unions law goes into effect Wednesday

    (CNN) -- Starting Wednesday, same-sex couples in Illinois can enter into civil unions and enjoy many of the legal protections granted to married couples. In January, Illinois joined five other states in legalizing civil unions. Gov. Pat Quinn signed the law in front of a crowd of cheering...
  7. No Warranty

    Hacker Group Anonymous Brings Peaceful Revolution To America: Will Engage In Civil Disobedience Until Bernanke Steps Down

    'Hacker Group Anonymous previously released a video promising to engage in “a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience” until Ben Bernanke steps down and the “Primary Dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets...
  8. Scammer

    Fire dept. accused of racism

    - A local activist group is speaking out against the Houston Fire Department in what has become the latest in a long line of complaints of racism within the department. The city is now investigating a complaint from a Latino firefighter who says he was humiliated after finding a racially...
  9. ricklbert

    [Info!] This is a film about civil liberties ad the right to film on the streets of London.

    This is a film about civil liberties ad the right to film on the streets of London.

    Rodriguez hit with civil suit over beating

    Rodriguez hit with civil suit over beating NEW YORK, -- New York Mets pitcher Francisco Rodriguez, facing a criminal charge of assault, has been hit with a civil suit stemming from the same incident, officials said. Rodriguez, 28, accused of viciously beating his girlfriend's father, Carlos...
  11. Scammer

    Government warns schools that bullying can violate civil rights laws

    Washington -- Bullying and harassment in schools often includes violations of federally protected civil rights, the federal government warned Tuesday in new guidelines for educators on how to address the problem. If school administrators fail to properly deal with harassment based on gender...
  12. A

    Time running out for civil rights cases

    Time running out for civil rights cases ATLANTA, Longstanding U.S. civil-rights cases haven't been solved despite promises made during the Bush administration to pursue racially motivated crimes, critics say. Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales warned in 2007 killers of blacks during the...
  13. A

    Mexico argues against Ariz. law

    Mexico argues against Ariz. law PHOENIX, (UPI) -- Mexico intervened Tuesday in a lawsuit by a group of civil liberties organizations challenging Arizona's new immigration law, officials said. The government filed a brief in U.S. District Court in Arizona, CNN reported. Mexico requested that SB...
  14. A

    Paul snubs 'Meet the Press'

    Paul snubs 'Meet the Press' WASHINGTON, (UPI) -- Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican whose civil rights views ignited outrage, backed out of a scheduled appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," the network said. Betsy Fischer, the program's producer, said Paul's press secretary, Jesse Benton...
  15. CASPER

    Happy Cinco De Mayo

    Want to wish every Mexican and any other Member that celebrates Cinco de Mayo for all the fallen of the Puebla Civil War.. . .