
  1. the doctor

    No deal in sight on final day of Iran nuclear talks

    By Justyna Pawlak and Yeganeh Torbati ALMATY (Reuters) - Iran enters a second day of talks with world powers on Saturday no closer to resolving a nuclear dispute that has led to sanctions on its oil exports and talk of a new Middle East war. The final day of negotiations is unlikely to achieve...
  2. the doctor

    UN atomic agency: Iran rapidly expands nuke work (AP)

    AP - Iran has rapidly ramped up production of higher-grade enriched uranium over the last few months, the U.N. nuclear agency said Friday, in a confidential report that feeds concerns about how quickly the Islamic republic could produce an atomic bomb. More...
  3. the doctor

    UN atomic agency: Iran rapidly expands nuke work (AP)

    AP - Iran has rapidly ramped up production of higher-grade enriched uranium over the last few months, the U.N. nuclear agency said Friday, in a confidential report that feeds concerns about how quickly the Islamic republic could produce an atomic bomb. More...
  4. the doctor

    Oil jumps to 9-month high after Iran cuts supply (AP)

    AP - Oil prices jumped to a nine-month high above $105 a barrel on Monday after Iran said it halted crude exports to Britain and France in an escalation of a dispute over the Middle Eastern country's nuclear program. More...
  5. the doctor

    AP Exclusive: Iran poised for big nuke jump (AP)

    AP - Iran is poised to greatly expand uranium enrichment at a fortified underground bunker to a point that would boost how quickly it could make nuclear warheads, diplomats tell The Associated Press. More...
  6. the doctor

    Iran says it's the victim in nuclear showdown (AP)

    AP - Facing international sanctions over its nuclear program, Iran is taking the position that it's the victim, not the aggressor. Iran is pointing to the cases of five slain scientists whose deaths it blames on Israel and its allies. More...
  7. the doctor

    Defiant Iran claims major steps in nuclear fuel (AP)

    AP - In defiant swipes at its foes, Iran said Wednesday it is dramatically closer to mastering the production of nuclear fuel even as the U.S. weighs tougher pressures and Tehran's suspected shadow war with Israel brings probes far beyond the Middle East. More...
  8. the doctor

    Israel points finger at Iran in Bangkok explosion (AP)

    AP - Israel's defense minister has accused Iran of being behind a bombing in Thailand. More...
  9. the doctor

    Iran says CIA behind nuclear scientist's killing (AP)

    AP - Iran said Saturday it has evidence that the United States was behind the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist this week in Tehran, state media reported. More...
  10. the doctor

    Iran reported to enrich uranium at underground lab (AP)

    AP - Iran has begun uranium enrichment at a new underground site built to withstand possible airstrikes, a leading hard-line newspaper reported Sunday in another show of defiance against Western pressure to rein in Tehran's nuclear program. More...
  11. the doctor

    Report: Iran begins uranium enrichment at new site (AP)

    AP - Iran has begun uranium enrichment at a new underground site well protected from possible airstrikes, a leading hardline newspaper reported Sunday. More...
  12. the doctor

    Iran defiant amid appeals for European sanctions (AP)

    AP - Iran closed out naval war games in the Gulf on Tuesday much the way they began last month: striking a tone of military defiance while Western powers rallied behind tougher oil and financial sanctions as a crippling tool against Tehran's nuclear program. More...
  13. the doctor

    Britain withdrawing all embassy staff from Iran (AP)

    AP - Britain ordered Iran on Wednesday to remove all its diplomats from the U.K. within 48 hours following attacks on its embassy and a residential compound in Tehran — one of the most significant diplomatic retaliations against Iran since the 1979 U.S. embassy crisis. More...
  14. the doctor

    Obama seeks Russia, China common ground on Iran (AP)

    AP - Engaging in high-level diplomacy with skeptical partners, President Barack Obama sought support from China and Russia on Saturday to confront Iran in the face of new allegations that it has been secretly trying to build a nuclear bomb. More...
  15. the doctor

    Ahmadinejad: Iran won't retreat from nuclear path (AP)

    AP - Iran won't retreat "one iota" from its nuclear program, but the world is being misled by claims that it seeks atomic weapons, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday in his first reaction since a U.N. watchdog report that Tehran is on the brink of developing a nuclear warhead. More...
  16. FTA Hacker

    Google says Gmail attack focused on Iranian targets

    Google said late Sunday that an attack mounted against its Gmail service targeted users primarily located in Iran, although the company has taken steps to block further interception attempts. More...
  17. CASPER

    Guard chief: Iran can build longer-range missiles

    A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander claimed on Tuesday that his country has the ability to produce missiles with an even greater range than those currently in its arsenal. But Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Guard's Aerospace Force, stressed that Tehran will not manufacture such...
  18. No Warranty

    U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran

    Washington (CNN) -- The U.S. government announced Thursday that it has imposed a new round of sanctions against Iran's regime, which has come under intense criticism for its recent crackdown against pro-reform protesters. Sanctions have been imposed against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...
  19. No Warranty

    Dissent within OPEC erodes cartel's power

    VIENNA – OPEC's stunning admission of major dissent within its ranks has left it reeling and its status as the world's oil power-broker tarnished, perhaps beyond repair. But is a weakened cartel good or bad for consumers? The major question is what will happen to oil prices in the long term as a...
  20. No Warranty

    U.S. hits firms working with Iran

    Washington (CNN) -- The United States is imposing sanctions against seven companies for working with Iran in the energy sector, part of an effort to suppress Tehran's nuclear program, the State Department said Tuesday. The companies in Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Monaco and...