
  1. L

    Is it true

    I have read on different sites that the down time is permanent. Please put my mind at ease and tell me it's not true
  2. W

    [Wow!] Hi Everyone

    A very nice site you have here, nice layout. Hope you don't mind if I get comfortable here.
  3. B

    Bad Day At Hallmark!

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of these are good for a laugh. Ever wondered what happens when Hallmark writers are having a bad day ...
  4. B

    gamble bet

    A North Dakota farmer was visiting Las Vegas. He had no money to gamble, so he watched the games and bet mentally. In no time at all, he'd lost his mind.
  5. B

    directory enquiries must be mind readers.

    Fcuk me, directory enquiries must be mind readers. I rang up for the number of a curry house, and judging by the accent on the other end of the line they'd already put me through.

    A young mother paying

    A young mother paying -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young mother paying a visit to a doctor friend and his wife made no attempt to restrain her five-year-old son, who was ransacking an adjoining room. But finally, an extra loud clatter of...

    Scorpio for July

    Monthly Overview (This Month) Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21 On the 1st, your mind is on money, and money is on your mind. Luckily, there's a very high likelihood that you'll be thinking about ways to make more of it rather than ways to tourniquet an out of control financial loss. You're heading...

    Mind Trick

    How Smart is Your Right Foot? This is funny that it boggles the mind. And if you are anywhere near as stubborn as I am, you will keep trying at least a few more times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't. 1. While sitting on a chair, lift your right foot off the floor and make...
  9. S


    greetings to all not a geek, not a techie, not afraid to ask dumb questions, and i get the impression that nobody on this site will particularly mind. thanks for constructing a friendly, easy to navigate fta site.:notworthy: