Fourth Mich. Legionnaires' case confirmed



Fourth Mich. Legionnaires' case confirmed

DETROIT, Michigan officials say a fourth case of Legionnaires' disease has been confirmed in an outbreak at the Selfridge Air National Guard base.

Harrison Township health officials say 31 people became sick during a bacterial outbreak July 12 through July 21, the Detroit Free Press reported Monday.

Legionnaires' disease is caused by bacteria growing in warm water, usually found in cooling towers, large plumbing systems or air conditioning systems, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

Three of the confirmed cases are employees of a U.S. Army weapons research and development command at Selfridge. They were hospitalized, one in critical condition, 127th Air Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Michael Peplinski said.

Two buildings confirmed to have had contact with the disease were sanitized but remain closed and about 178 employees from those buildings have been relocated, officials said.

The main source of the bacteria hasn't been identified and lab results from air and water tests won't be back for two to three weeks, John Ambrose, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Army Public Health Command, said.