

    Starting HRT early raises breast cancer risk: study

    :dirol:WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Women who start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as they begin to go through menopause have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who start taking the drugs later, researchers reported on Friday. The findings, published in the Journal of the National Cancer...

    Scientists ID Gene Behind Cancer's Spread

    (Credit: CBS) Scientists in England say they have identified the gene that is responsible for cancer's spread through the body - raising the possibility of a "one-size-fits-all" cure for the disease by developing a drug that switches off the gene. Most deaths from cancer result from its...

    Experimental Drug Helps Fight Aggressive Breast Cancer: Report

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers have taken another step in the hunt to find a treatment for an aggressive, likely-to-recur form of breast cancer. In a study published in the Jan. 5 online edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, the experimental drug iniparib not only...

    Exercise May Improve Odds Against Prostate Cancer Death

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5 (HealthDay News) -- Prostate cancer patients who routinely engage in modest amounts of vigorous physical exercise appear to lower their risk of dying from their disease, new research suggests. Three hours a week or more of vigorous biking, tennis, jogging or swimming seems to...
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    FDA rejects Avastin as breast cancer therapy

    The controversial drug Avastin should be phased out as a treatment for metastatic breast cancer, the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday, citing recent studies that show its benefits may be outweighed by dangerous side effects. However, patients currently taking Avastin as part of their...
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    9/11 detective dies after cancer fight

    Kevin Czartyoryski died almost a decade after being exposed to toxic debris while working at ground zero. New York -- Mourners gathered Thursday for the funeral service of a New York police detective, who died nearly a decade after being exposed to toxic debris while transporting victims in...
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    Elizabeth Edwards stops cancer treatment, releases statement

    Elizabeth Edwards is surrounded by family and friends in her North Carolina home after being informed by her doctors that further cancer treatment would be unproductive. "Elizabeth has been advised by her doctors that further treatment of her cancer would be unproductive," the Edwards family...

    Foods cuts risk Disease-cancer Free Stomach

    By RealAge You could cut your risk of stomach cancer by a whopping 33 percent if you eat like a Greek. That means bulking up on fruit, vegetables, legumes, and healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fish. And taking it easy on red meat, dairy, and alcohol. These are all key...

    Eat This Sauce to Stop a Silent Killer

    By RealAge There's a sauce that's rich in apigenin, and that's excellent news for a very delicate body part: women's ovaries. The sauce in question? Marinara. Or anything red, really. Tomato-based sauces like these are loaded with apigenin, a powerful flavonoid that was credited with reducing...

    Maternal separation, cancer risk link

    Maternal separation, cancer risk link PETERBOROUGH, Ontario, -- A Canadian researcher has linked maternal separation and greater risk of breast cancer in mice. Leslie Kerr at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, says the stress of separation from one's mother when young acts as an...
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    More tissue taken from breast tumor better

    More tissue taken from breast tumor better SUTTON COLDFIELD, England, -- Removing 2 millimeters of tissue around breast cancer tumors prevents the disease from recurring in 98 percent of patients, British researchers say. Dr. Stephen Ward of Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield...
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    Doctors may be misusing cancer guidelines

    Doctors may be misusing cancer guidelines WASHINGTON, -- Doctors may both overuse and under use recommended colorectal cancer screening guidelines, U.S. researchers say. Dr. Robin Yabroff of the National Cancer Institute and colleagues say their analysis of a National Cancer Institute...
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    Michael Douglas undergoing cancer therapy

    Michael Douglas undergoing cancer therapy NEW YORK, -- What began as an irritating sore throat turned out to be Stage 4 throat cancer, U.S. actor Michael Douglass revealed on "The Late Show with David Letterman." "I got cancer," the Oscar-winning actor said Tuesday during a promotional...
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    Breast cancer yoga improves recovery

    Breast cancer yoga improves recovery EDMONTON, Alberta, A specialized Iyengar yoga program for women receiving breast cancer treatment makes a positive difference in their recovery, Canadian researchers say. Amy Speed-Andrews of the University of Alberta and colleagues had study participants...
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    Family disavows alleged cancer fraudster

    Family disavows alleged cancer fraudster MILTON, Ontario, The estranged parents of a Canadian woman who allegedly faked having terminal cancer to trick people into giving her money say they are through with her. Mike Kirilow, father of alleged cancer fraudster Ashley Kirilow, 23, of...
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    Woman arrested in cancer fraud

    Woman arrested in cancer fraud OAKVILLE, Ontario, Police in Canada have arrested an Ontario woman who admitted faking cancer to solicit money for herself and charged her with fraud, authorities say. Ashley Kirilow, 23, was arrested Friday and charged with three counts of fraud under $5,000...
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    Motivating men to be tested for cancer

    Motivating men to be tested for cancer SIEVERDING, Germany, A German researcher says men who have never been tested for cancer are more motivated to be tested when they learn most men have been tested at some time. Monika Sieverding of the University of Heidelberg and colleagues find men never...
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    Helping cancer patients return to school

    Helping cancer patients return to school BOSTON, Cancer is tough enough, but a child with cancer also has to deal with a lot of questions about cancer from classmates, a U.S. researcher says. Lisa Scherber, head of the back-to-school program at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston...

    Can Your Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer?

    By Kate Schweitzer, marie claire Can Your Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer? A new study has found that an overwhelming amount of sunscreens on the market contain an ingredient thatspeeds cancerous cell growth. That's right: sunscreen might cause cancer, the very thing people lather it on...
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    Stemming advanced prostate cancer growth

    Stemming advanced prostate cancer growth CHAPEL HILL, N.C., (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say their findings may open the door for new treatments for advanced prostate cancer. Researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, N.C., say they are seeking to find out...