Eat This Sauce to Stop a Silent Killer


By RealAge

There's a sauce that's rich in apigenin, and that's excellent news for a very delicate body part: women's ovaries.
The sauce in question? Marinara. Or anything red, really. Tomato-based sauces like these are loaded with apigenin, a powerful flavonoid that was credited with reducing the risk of ovarian cancer by an impressive 20 percent in a recent study.
Tomato Time
Researchers suspect that apigenin's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers may take the credit for the recent study results. Also, apigenin may help reduce ovarian cancer risk by affecting the way estrogen works in the body and may interfere with the growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells. Still, more research will be needed to confirm if apigenin-rich foods could play a definitive role in risk reduction of ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Insights
Ovarian cancer has very few early-stage symptoms, and there are no standard or routine screening tests, so it's often not caught until an advanced stage. Controlling what risk factors you can and living an anti-cancer lifestyle may be two of your best options against the disease. And that means controlling your weight and eating a healthful diet -- of which apigenin-rich foods may be a part. Not a tomato fan? You'll find apigenin in celery and red wine, too. And here are two more foods that may help curb ovarian cancer risk: