
  1. B

    SkyView 19.01.2011

    SkyView 19.01.2011

    Que es IKS

    Que es IKS Preguntas Frecuentes... Preguntas frecuentes acerca de Nagra3 y IKS Que es Nagra 3? Nagra es el nombre corto de Nagravision y han existido 1 y 2 actualmente estamos en transcision a nagra 3 cada version ha sido mejorada y ha agregado mas segura que las versiones anteriores...

    skyview600v 2.31

    skyview 600v 2.31 enjoy all
  4. ricklbert

    Skyview1000-v7.6 5/22/09

    Skyview1000-v7.6 5/22/09 Skyview1000-v7.6 5/22/09 dn fix Skyview 1000 (1.24 MB)
  5. ricklbert



    Rx600 2.28

    Rx600 2.28

    [Attention] More Arrests: FTA Industry Collapsing

    More Arrests: FTA Industry Collapsing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C / P FROM SKYVIEW... Seems like theBroken is ratting out everyone to save his own skin. Now that Viewsat, Coolsat, etc., have been connected to the coder behind the...

    Skyview Plus 1000 V7.4 05-07-09

    Skyview Plus 1000 V7.4 05-07-09 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the skyview 1000 beta freezing fix after loading keys will need to roll in again so you have to wait for picture. Thank you teamsky

    Skyview RX-600 RX600 New OSD 2.24 5-02-09

    Skyview RX-600 RX600 New OSD 2.24 5-02-09
  10. R

    [Problem!] Pansat dead -jtag does not work

    Hello My pansat 3500sd is not working. I bought a Jtag cable, I tried but it does not work. I tried using SKYMAX, but it says: " the parallel port coun't be opened", I also tried using Wall 2.0 and as soon I click on it, a windows error appears and close the program. Any idea how to solve...
  11. CASPER

    SkyviewPlusV7.2 Fix 3-26-2009 (V172)

    SkyviewPlusV7.2 Fix 3-26-2009 (V172) SkyviewPlusV7.2 Fix 3-26-2009 The new fix for the skyview 1000 this is the beta fix.
  12. CASPER

    SkyviewMaxV6.2 Freezing fix 3-6-09

    SkyviewMaxV6.2 Freezing fix 3-6-09 This is a fix for the latest freezing some are having with the skyview max 2000
  13. CASPER

    SkyviewPlusV6.9 3-3-09

    SkyviewPlusV6.9 3-3-09 OK we know V6.8 is still working but this release will fix the video color and jittery picture on the skyview plus 1000, unlike other brands we fix our older units before we fix the new unit, and move on to fixing the max bugs next . we hope you keep supporting skyview...
  14. W

    vs loader

    I am trying to find someone help me to find a loader 2.1 for a viewsat platinum
  15. CASPER

    SkyView Plus v6.7

    SkyView Plus v6.7
  16. CASPER


    skymagv660 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- skymagv660 to fix the current freezing problem. for bootloader v1.00 maggies or skyview receivers that were converted 100% to maggie. FF out the keys to get it to roll faster.
  17. CASPER

    SKYVIEW MAX 2000 Review

    SKYVIEW MAX 2000SKYVIEW MAX 2000, The Skyview Max 2000PVR comes with the best hardware upgrades. The Max 2000 has in it, one of the fastest CPU's ever placed in a FTA receiver, with a 240MHZ processor it will leave the other FTA brands in its dust. The Skyview max 2000PVR is not like the...
  18. CASPER


    skymagv620 to fix the current freezing problem. for bootloader v1.00 maggies or skyview receivers that were converted 100% to maggie. FF out the keys to get it to roll faster.
  19. CASPER

    Skyview RX600V2.15

    Skyview RX600V2.15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rx600v2.15
  20. B

    Skyview Max 2000 V5.6 1-14-2009

    Skyview Max 2000 V5.6 1-14-2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file will fix the satellite detection problem with v5.5 fix . Enjoy Teamsky