windows registry

  1. No Warranty

    [Tip:] A great Windows Explorer replacement - Explorer++

    Tried of windows explorer be so limiting? Why not try Explorer++, it doesn't even need to be installed. Download it here: Explorer++ - A small and fast file manager for Windows
  2. No Warranty

    [Tip:] Windows 7 Program startup registry locations

    Here are the Windows 7 programs startup registry locations: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and...
  3. No Warranty

    [Tip:] How to set windows 7 to automatic refresh explorer windows

    Ever have that problem in Windows 7 where you delete or move files and the explorer windows doesn't update the changes in the explorer window? Well here is a way to have explorer automatically refresh. As with any registry edit I recommend you make a system restore point or back up the registry...
  4. No Warranty

    [Tip:] How to Enable Thumbnail Previews for Photoshop PSD files on Windows 7

    Put in the following lines in a text file rename it to .reg and double click the file afterwords:
  5. No Warranty

    2 NDP MPs back final Commons vote to kill gun registry

    Two NDP MPs broke party ranks to vote with the government in the final House of Commons vote on scrapping the long-gun registry. More...
  6. FTA Hacker

    Woman missing, fiance found dead in home

    Authorities in South Carolina said they were investigating the disappearance of a woman whose fiance was found dead in the couple's home near Charleston. Dara Lee Watson, 30, was last seen in Boone, N.C., where her parents live, last Monday, her mother told police, and Watson's burned sport...
  7. No Warranty

    Tories urged to widen scope of gun registry bill

    A number of groups want the federal government to go further and also replace gun licences with a cheaper, one-time certificate system when it introduces promised legislation to end the long gun registry. More...
  8. No Warranty

    N.S. man says motor vehicle registry needs overhaul

    A Pictou County cattle farmer, who lost his licence last summer after someone complained about his driving, says getting it back was an ordeal. Greg Murray, 71, described his experiences with employees at the Registry of Motor Vehicles as "civil servants gone berserk". Murray, who also works...
  9. E

    Widely Used Heart Drugs Linked to Better Breast Cancer Outcomes

    Beta blockers -- safe, inexpensive drugs that have been used for decades by millions of people -- may eventually have a role in fighting breast cancer, according to two new studies. One study suggests that women who are already taking beta blockers to lower blood pressure tend to be diagnosed...
  10. D

    Problem with The Sims 2?

    I have problems with The Sims 2.Whenever I'm in the middle of the game,I always get Blue Screen and crash problems.About the laptop:-Toshiba-Windows 7My Local Disc (Both) have more space left.Please help me !! .. And when I installed The Sims 2 Pets,I can't open The Sims 2/Pets.Please help me ASAP.
  11. J

    How to transfer EVERYTHING from my old Harddrive to my new one?

    I have been told a application will transfer everything from an old harddrive to a new one, where can I get an application like this?When I say everything I mean everything, including the Operating system (Vista)
  12. R

    How do I unlock a harddrive that was encrypted in windows 7 and unlock it in windows vista?

    I tried the windows 7 beta release version and i encrypted my harddrive while i was at it. I put a password down and i still remember it but i can't open the harddrive now in windows vista. if you require the password from me, here it is.Password- 3.14159265358979323846264338327950All of my...
  13. C

    How do you transfer files on a laptop harddrive to another hards drive of the same kind?

    Can you just take the harddrive and put it in the other laptop?i put the harddrive in, but when I go to my documents, the files aren't there.
  14. T

    How do I know if my laptop harddrive needs replacement?

    My laptop is about five years old give and take, and I've been noticing sluggish performance. I've read somewhere replacing with a new harddrive will improve performance. I've also notice that the hard drive LED blinks a lot especially after running memory-heavy programs.
  15. CASPER

    Need for Blood and Organ Donors Continues to Grow

    FRIDAY, Feb. 11(HealthDay News) -- Every single adult in the United States is carrying around the raw materials to save at least one life, and possibly more than one. Donation of organs, blood, bone marrow and even the stem cells contained in umbilical cord blood can help heal tens of...
  16. CASPER

    Marrow Donation From Teenage Stranger Saves Man's Life

    A year before Jim Munroe was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia, a 19-year-old girl from Milwaukee had her cheek swabbed at a summer rock concert. She ended up saving Munroe's life by becoming his bone marrow donor. Munroe, 31, of...
  17. Scammer

    [Attention] Microsoft warns of new Windows zero-day bug

    Microsoft warns of new Windows zero-day bug Only Internet Explorer users at risk; other browsers can't be exploited, say researchers By Gregg Keizer January 28, 2011 04:13 PM ET Microsoft today warned Windows users of a new unpatched vulnerability that attackers could exploit to steal...
  18. Scammer

    Breast implants linked to rare cancer

    The Food and Drug Administration says it has found a possible link between breast implants and a very rare type of cancer. After reviewing data published between 1997 and 2010, the agency determined people with both saline and silicone gel-filled implants have a small but significant risk of...
  19. Scammer

    Harper marks 5 years since 1st election win

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper spoke to hundreds of supporters in Ottawa on Sunday, taking shots at the previous government as he marked the fifth anniversary of the Conservative Party's defeat of Paul Martin's Liberal regime. He said Canadians had lost faith in the Liberals when the Tories won...
  20. Scammer

    Death penalty not on agenda: PM

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he has no intention of attempting to change the current law regarding capital punishment. In the second part of an exclusive interview with the CBC's Peter Mansbridge, Harper was asked about changes he would make if he had a majority government. When asked...