Barn blaze kills 500 animals





DARLINGTON COUNTY, SC – A fire rips through a Darlington County barn early Tuesday morning, killing nearly 500 animals sheltered from the cold weather.

The owner of Ovis Hill Farm in Darlington County, just outside of Timmonsville, said he found the barn on fire around 6 a.m. Tuesday.

He estimates he lost about 110 lambs in the blaze and between 300 and 400 chicks, ranging in age from four days to four-weeks-old. Ovis Hill Farm also conducts school tours, and the owner said the young animals had been sheltered in a classroom area.

Right now, the owner believes a chicken might have knocked over a heat lamp, sparking the fire, but it is unconfirmed at this time.

The owner also said his neighbors have been offering their assistance.

WMBF News has a crew on scene and is working to learn more details.