Tuesday's Connector: Harrison Ford



Harrison Ford is your Connector of the Day.

He's saved presidents, been a president, saved the universe from a dark lord and has even been a top-secret spy - all roles that Harrison Ford can say he has taken on.

Pegged to blockbuster action movies like "Clear and Present Danger," "Indiana Jones," "Star Wars" and "Air Force One", Ford has played roles that many people would die for.

Born in July 1942, Ford may have been destined to act since birth - both his parents were former actors.

Ford dabbled in a variety of activities growing up - from the Boy Scouts to trying to make it as a voice-over actor. But, it wasn't until he landed the starring role in George Lucas' 1977 "Star Wars" that he became a household name.

Ford would go on to play Han Solo in the three additional "Star Wars" sequels.

The other leading role that cemented Ford's status as one of Hollywood's leading men was the "Indiana Jones" franchise.

Throughout the 90s, Ford went on to have a hugely successful film career with leading roles in the Tom Clancy spy series, Sydney Pollack's Sabrina and presidential thriller, "Air Force One."

Ford has also been a very strong environmentalist and is the Vice Chairman of Conservation International. Today he is in Japan talking to leaders from around the world about the importance of preserving biodiversity and curbing environmental damage.