[Tip:] Windows 7 How do I change monitor inactive time

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I decided to post a bunch of Windows 7 tips just in case anybody else is having the same issue the answer will be here for them.

How to change monitor inactive time:
In your "control panel" click on "power options", then in the left-hand side panel click "choose when to turn off the display"

Then just send it to whatever you want to be.

Here's a screenshot of what mine looks like:


I hope this will be helpful somebody.


New member
These power saving features will not save you much money, you be lucky if you save 50 or $60 a year. I leave all my monitors on all the time and only turn my computer off when I go to bed at night.

No Warranty

Scammer hater
Yeah you're right the only time power saving mode will actually save money is if you have a large group of computers and use the power saving features. Otherwise for the average homeowner it's just pennies a month to run your computer. Things are changing all your lightbulbs out, not enough savings to make that much of a difference on your bill.