[Info!] Co-Owner/Owner back. ~RaptorPlayer


New member
IGN: RaptorPlayer
Location:United states, Michigan

How long have you played Server:3 Months

Why You Want To Be Part Of The Staff Community:I love the minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like building creations for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I don't rage, if I were to leave, I would say my goodbyes and demote myself, not blow the server up first, and I see myself as a good member of your team.

What Can You Bring To server:Hi my Ign is (RaptorPlayer) I would like to apply for the server. (Note) I am a great builder ! I love building on servers for the owners. I am known on other servers as the go-to-person if anyone needs help. I really want to help this server alot! I will build things at spawn and make the server a better place. I also know how to use worldedit and worldguard. If I recieve Op I know how to use all the commands and will help others to my best ability.

Other Experience:I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had a admin position on ObsidianCraft, a 30 slot public server hosted by CreeperHost in the UK. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that the chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them corrupt. I was also a Mod on HGCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)