
  1. T

    I am lost with my Pansat 2700

    Ok I am really lost on this one I have a pansat 2700 clone I have down-loaded pansat loader v1.0 and rq-sssp-client 1.o4 but i don't no were to get the bin file for it to load I have been out of this since everything went to n3 and to download iks setup were do i get this please and thank you

    2500/FLU IKS-AUTO ID bin.

    2500/FLU IKS-AUTO ID bin. For-PUFF-LZMA-Boot. (clone/safe) As always. Use at your own risk! "2500-LZMA-V211-IKS-AUTO" Prov-ID is pulled from stream. Requires one ID remap. -------------- Uses RQ-SSSP-Client "coolsat" protocol. caid_mappings=1841:1815...

    [New Fix] k1pro_100_20111116

    k1pro_100_20111116 k1pro_100_20111116 Fixes TP Issues, also sets default EPG to ch 239. Warning: It's unknown if this file is safe for clone Khubs. Load at your own risk.
  4. No Warranty

    hdadd script file for CW3000/4000HD to add PVR via WinSCP

    This is the hdadd script file to add PVR via WinSCP. Enjoy!
  5. Z

    Doniasat DS-7000IPPVR

    I had before a Viewsat Ultra but after he went down I bought a new receiver which is Doniasat DS-7000IPPVR, I tried to find if there is any files but I couldn't find any of this receiver, could you help me on this if there is someone who knows about this receiver? Sorry my English is not so...

    OPenbox S9 New firmware with lan/ftp access and clone kill

    OPenbox S9 New firmware with lan/ftp access and clone kill First file is the new firmware with lan/ftp support and clone kill code, second file is LAN/FTP program HDS2_CMTS_Europe.rar STBHD_LAN_MM.rar
  7. A

    Is it possible to Copy Blu-Ray DVD's to a Blank Blu-Ray Disc?

    Hello everyone, as the title says I am curious if there is software out now that will allow you to copy Blu-Ray DVD's. A 1:1 copy no compression or anything. I am familiar with Clone DVD and DVD Fab but those don't seem to work Blu-Ray. I am using Vista 64 already have a BD Burner and BD Discs...
  8. J

    How to transfer EVERYTHING from my old Harddrive to my new one?

    I have been told a application will transfer everything from an old harddrive to a new one, where can I get an application like this?When I say everything I mean everything, including the Operating system (Vista)
  9. L

    Can a virus from my external harddrive spread into my new mac and cause trouble?

    Ok so i've got this malicious microsoft-ic virus that somehow got into my external harddrive. It's called 32Willy or Willy32 if I'm not wrong. If I put this hardware into my mac, will the virus cause trouble since macs are supposedly not able to get ruined because of PC viruses? Thank you all.
  10. B

    I want to clone my 160gb harddrive into a 80gb hard, what program should i use?

    I want to clone my 160gb harddrive into a 80gb hard, what program should i use? I think i only used like 30gb from the 160gb harddrive.
  11. C

    How do you transfer files on a laptop harddrive to another hards drive of the same kind?

    Can you just take the harddrive and put it in the other laptop?i put the harddrive in, but when I go to my documents, the files aren't there.
  12. CASPER

    [New Fix] Viewsat Ultra Fail Fix

    Viewsat Ultra Fail Fix Thanks goes to FTAGOD ....................... This is a repair program only! It is a tool used to repair 'dead' Viewsat Ultra boxes. It is not intended to make receivers decrypt anything! Your Ultra will need the latest fix after it has been restored! Works on GENUINE...
  13. hobo2

    [Help!] viewsat ultra clone reciver

    CASPER i found the file on page 5 viewsat ultra files down load the file there nothing no files post date was 6 12 08 by casper :dirol::p
  14. hobo2

    [Question?] viewsat ultra clone reciver

    have a viewsat ultra clone reciver it is dead there was a fix to bring the reciver back to life i look for this file can not find it help me buttman or batman also i found some file but there nothing in them
  15. W

    any files yet 4 nano prem

    just wondering if the file to get ch is out yet thnks :afro2:

    [FYI] This Day In History December 26

    360th day of 2010 - 5 remaining Sunday, December 26, 2010 BOXING DAY No one seems to know whether the celebration of Boxing Day began in the middle of the 19th century or the middle of the ninth century. What we do know is that it definitely had its origins in England and is always celebrated...

    [FYI] This Day In History November 26

    330th day of 2010 - 35 remaining Friday, November 26, 2010 FRATERNITY DAY It all started when nine close friends, meeting over apples and roasted potatoes in a cold and bare dormitory room at Union College in Schenectady, New York, unknowingly put their mark on the entire future of collegiate...

    This Day In History November 14

    318th day of 2010 - 47 remaining Sunday, November 14, 2010 MOBY **** DAY “Call me Ishmael. Some years ago -- never mind how long precisely -- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of...
  19. hobo2

    [General Question?] dream box 500

    can any 1 tell me if the dream box 500 is running on dishnet ty hobo2
  20. S

    Photoshop:How do I extend a picture by "smearing" the right edge to fade off to white past its original bound?

    I have a png that's 800 pixels wide.I want it to be 1280 pixels wide.I want to accomplish this by setting the existing image to the left of the frame, and then extending the right side of the image so that it fades off into white for the extra 480 pixels.How do I accomplish this in photoshop? (I...