
  1. Webewitch

    What is the best and safest way to transfer data from one computer to an other?

    I just sold my old laptop and I want to transfer my old files to my new one, what is the best and safest way to do so? It is about 40gb of files.
  2. T

    [Info!] 2 new staff member coming in!

    So two new staff members are coming in, guess what it's me and vyletfreak! So our new staff members IGN's is basicly TheFireElement and vyletfreak! Both of us got mod by our lovely owner ghostface! Let's all celebrate! Also, we are filling the staff positions! Apply now! That's it for this...
  3. B

    [FYI] SV coming out with a few Bev channels?

    SV coming out with a few Bev channels? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reports are out that a few channels are out on SV for Bev. Let us know how you are doing with it or even bothering at present.
  4. No Warranty

    New Predictions

    <div>TIME SENSITIVE: An Open Letter To Everyone Who Is Completely Sure They Know What Is Coming In 2012

    Debris, challenges pile up in Japan 1 month later

    NATORI, Japan – A month after Japan's earthquake and tsunami, the challenges seem as daunting as ever: Thousands are missing and feared dead, tens of thousands have fled their homes, a leaking nuclear plant remains crippled and powerful aftershocks keep coming. Vast tracts of the northeast are...
  6. W

    prem down ?

    What is the best and safest way to transfer data from one computer to an other? not coming in help pls
  7. Viper®

    Energizer bunny found dead

    The world was stunned by the news today of the death of the ENERGIZER BUNNY. He was six years old. Authorities believe that the death occurred at approximately 8:42 PM last evening. Best known as the irritating pink bunny that kept going and going and going, "Pinkie", as he was known to his...
  8. A

    Lawyer: Salmonella suits coming in fast

    Lawyer: Salmonella suits coming in fast MINNEAPOLIS, -- A Minneapolis law firm specializing in food safety cases says lawsuits about salmonella-tainted eggs are coming in "like crazy." Fred Pritzker of PritzkerOlsen is representing Robin Shaffer of Mantorville, Minn., in her lawsuit...

    Methane seen as growing climate risk

    Methane, a potent global warming gas, is bubbling out of the frozen Arctic faster than had been expected. Methane had become trapped in the permafrost over time and a warming climate is now resulting in its release, researchers report in Friday's edition of the journal Science. "The amount of...
  10. B

    What's the difference between condoms and coffins?

    What's the difference between condoms and coffins? They both hold something stiff but one's coming and one's going!
  11. M

    bin crying

    when is the new fix for wiewsat ultra coming out
  12. CASPER

    new files

    NEW Files are coming out slow !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! BE PATIENT
  13. CASPER

    [Attention] New Files coming out slowly

    New Files coming out slowly Today Have patience and let the mods post them as they come out.............
  14. V


    Hello and thanks for letting me in as a member. I have been reading to a lot of usefull infomation. Great work. I will be coming here more often!!!
  15. nanomuayid

    thank you

    thank you for the files Im so happy to see files after coming from work:):):):):):):):):)
  16. Rumas

    A great Son-in-law

    As A Mom Passes Her Daughter's Closed Bedroom Door, She Heard A Strange Buzzing Noise Coming From Within. Opening The Door, She Observed Her Daughter Giving Herself A Real Workout With A Vibrator. Shocked, She Asked: "what In The World Are You Doing?" The Daughter Replied: "mom, I'm Thirty-five...
  17. darklist


    New Bin Version Coming Soon!! COMING SOON!!!! NEED BOOT FILE UPGRADE. CREATING README, and TESTING! Thanks Regards, Blacklist