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  • B
    thanks for the new look senior i thinks it fits me well
    hanks again
    I have added some Pansat files but not all the prefixes are in red could you do this for me i know how to do this now thanks.....ricklbert
    I believe i made a boo boo at prefferedbypete i posted a joke in the key's section about key's and it has offended a few of your members i apologize for any inconvenience i may have caused....ricklbert
    hi Rumas i want to confirm all the pansat files on december 14 2008 are working as Today please confirm the post on forum
    Hello Rumas just thought I would drop you a line . with casper away I thought you might allow me to mod other receivers as well would like to move posts from file sections to discussion sections & help out a little more if you would like .. anyway you take care talk to you soon Face...
    :mad:hey my computer crashes every time a log in, wtf is goin on. some time it said i am alredy log in. I know that i have log out ?? there is something wrong with my computer
    Yes I am good, I have been busy with family lately.
    Thanks for asking!
    Rumas, how the heck are you?

    I missed you very much my friend. It has been a while since we have not talked. What are you up to?
    How is the family? I bet you that your baby has grown up by now.

    I don't know if you heard that Mazin and Basil's brother passed away two weeks ago. He drawned in the river.

    Keep in touch and don't be a stranger.

    John E
    Yes I seen that, we don't at the moment. I will look in to getting a P.O BOX.
    50 in last 4 days, we had 186 sign ups for all of June. So its definitely up!

    January 1073
    February 683
    March 500
    April 401
    May 422
    June 186
    July 233
    It should be gone now...I removed the Picture Gallery last night around that time, nobody was using it.
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