
  1. sammys

    Is this forum still active?

    As I noticed most of the threads are not active anymore. Is this forum active?
  2. A

    Say hello

    Hi my name paul tran im new in this forum i want to say hi to everybody
  3. B

    Hello and thanks

    Hello. thanks for let me in to this forum and learn and learn but first read. Thanks again.
  4. H


    thansk foe join me to your forum. Puerto Rico
  5. alvedman

    Newbie here

    I am a newbie here, I have learned a lot from this forum. Thanks to all the other members that share their experience.
  6. R

    Hello, Hola

    Hello, thanks for giving me the chance to be part of this great forum, I am from Coahuila, Mexico
  7. Z

    what i think of the site

    I think this is a very nice forum the people are kind however it needs more people on it which is why I plan to advertise this forum and the server:cool4:
  8. adrienshepard

    [FYI] How to register to the forum

    heres the video tutorial heres the none video tutorial first go to than put in the username box the username that you want on the forum in the password box you put the password that you want in the email box put your email if you dont know the answer...
  9. adrienshepard

    rules to become staff and apply

    These are the rules to become staff on the Servers You must stay active on the forum, failure to do so will result in demotion on the pbpclan servers. You must respect the servers. You must help out with the server. You must make 8-10 good quality posts on the forum per week. You must...
  10. G

    Olá!!! - Hello!!!

    Olá, sou o Guimara. É um grande prazer participar deste forum. Desejo aprender muito aqui. E dar minhas contribuições também. Hello, I'm Guimara. It is a great pleasure to participate in this forum. Desire to learn a lot here. And offer my contributions too.
  11. 7

    Any Hope

    Not sure if I'll get a reply, just was on another forum & was almost at my post requirement for to ask for help & the forum shut down. Is it possible to get nfusion pheonix up & running without a private server & if so is it possible to fix my reciever I think last files i upped were the wrong...
  12. J

    New member

    Hi,just to say hello to all of you,and thanks for accept me in this forum. I hope to enjoy it!!!:cool4:
  13. J


    Hello everybody,I more than glad to find this forum.
  14. C

    hello !

    Hi everyone here at Computer and Consumer Electronics Help forum I have been testing fta(nfusion) since 2003
  15. R


    Hello everybody.I am so happy to be part of this forum.
  16. L


    Hi every one, I am new, good to be in this forum.
  17. K

    Hi All

    Hi I just stumbbled in and this looks like a nice forum to hang around at. kdude
  18. A

    Hello Everyone.

    This is Ashton belongs to India and works in an IT company likes to share thought and knowledge in the field of IT. I want to give my appreaction to the forum owner for such a nice forum. Kind Regards Ashton Noble
  19. P

    New Member.

    Hello, I'm new here. I am from Malta. Thank you for accepting me as a member in your forum.
  20. Y

    Mi Presentacion ,My Presentation

    Hello to all my friends and brothers of all countries that comprise this community forum and thanks for letting me into this and hope to learn and also to help in any way possible to benefit all belong to this forum Thanks. Hola a todos mis amigos y hermanos de todos los paises que comprenden...