
  1. K

    hello people

    just lookin to get to learn more about and run my test nfusion receiver with DN.
  2. E

    Hello to everybody!

    Hello to everybody. I am just completed my subscription as a new member. I have a Nfusion Solaris that I like to activate for IKS private and I am looking for some support to get it done.
  3. C

    hello !

    Hi everyone here at Computer and Consumer Electronics Help forum I have been testing fta(nfusion) since 2003
  4. L

    Nfusion need help

    Hi all !. This is a first time set up this box, I try to load the file using the usb, but it fail, I also use the loader still not good. I read most of intructions in this forrum coupble days could not make it.any ideas. Thanks
  5. A

    [Confused!] Ilink IS-9000+ on PS (NEED HELP PLEASE)

    I have an Ilink IS-9000+ i have a donation code for NFPS im trying to get it up and running to no avail! :confusion: I have everything setup right and Ive tried every file I can to get the Private Server running! any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  6. D

    Hello Allow me to Introduce myself

    I am a MCSE Systems Engineer here in the uk and i got a dishhead a dishhead yep thats right one day i was on the roof the wind blew i fell off the roof and the 6 foot dish fell on me head yep thats right so i got a steel plate in me head so my buddy said lets call you doctordishhead i accepted...
  7. P

    need help nfusion solaris

    I have been out of the game for a while and need some help, i am wanting to use a private server, can anybody tell me how to do this? and a good one to get? like i said i have been out of the game for a while so please be patient with me, but i think i will catch on fast, thank you

    NFUSION N.O.I ver 1.31a

    NFUSION N.O.I ver 1.31a If you have 1.31, you must replace with this one. ChangeLog Fixed connection when you have multiple servers. Fixed making program keep trying to connect to server when server is down.
  9. B

    [Info!] Limesat freezing air hd

    dear friends I am having a problem with my hd Limesat air, and the SD channels are freezing but I passed on the HD I have now installed the bin 1.17, help please:confusion::confusion:
  10. W

    lnb for motorised dish

    which lnb is best for motorised dish with dual outs for 110,119,and 129 and can they give trouble.some transponders dont scan the channels in.also great signal,no quality on some.any ideas.
  11. CASPER

    Limesat Ultra V2 2012 model - Bin 2.74 for ver2 only!

    Limesat Ultra V2 2012 model - Bin 2.74 for ver2 only! C&P From LimesatJapan Here is the new Limesat Ultra Version 2 2012 bin to update the flash. The new 2012 Ultra's have a upgraded flash memory and can not use the same software as the older models just yet. You will first need to download...
  12. T

    Please explain modules

    Noob here, I was reading that the Freesat 800 HD can use a 8psk board. From what I read some brands overheat and burn up, it was recommended that the use of nfusion all in one board be used to prevent heat and failure issues. What is different about nFusion 8psk board or all in one that...
  13. W

    struggling with 700s

    wish i would have got a manual.cant get sats to stay in,cant get quality on 119.when i hook up my old vs ultra,all is fine,good signal and quality on both sats.very confused.need lots of help please.
  14. askendria

    The new FTA receiver "Freesat 800 HD"

    The new FTA receiover Freesat 800 HD just came into market, the receiver will work in both iks japan public and private servers. Note: BEV is down in this receiver only at this time due to problem with file. Attn. site addminstrator, please have a new receiver fourm/thread for freesat 800 HD...
  15. No Warranty

    Opposition jumps on surveillance bill confusion

    Public Safety Minister Vic Toews' office sought to clear up confusion over the government's online surveillance bill, following comments by the minister that suggested he was surprised by some of the bill's contents. More...
  16. W

    files for nfusion hd question

    i am trying to scan channels on 110 but only 5 ppv come up with scan. am using 27 there a loader or something i need no sense inputing noi if i have no channels.
  17. S

    nf/hd chanel editor

    i ned help i have one nfusion hd it`s any softwere like chanel editor i want to delete all chanels and rescan again i have like 3 sets with same chanels thankyou in advance
  18. H

    Nfusion loader

    Does anyone know if there is Nfusion Uploader that will work with Win 7 ??
  19. CASPER

    KS Japan Nfusion private sever setup without NOI

    KS Japan Nfusion private sever setup without NOI
  20. D

    Nfusion help please

    Please help i need info to get my NFUSION up, i am using Private Server info on I-LINK and it is working great. I been reading that Nfusion is up on Private Server but i can't find (boot_v1.33.bin file) is there any other way to get it up and running. Thanks for any useful info.