
  1. Energizer

    [Solved] 3DMark06 error: IDirect3DDevice9::Present failed: Device lost (D3DERR_DEVICELOST)

    I just bought a brand-new video card for my computer, came in the mail yesterday. I got a MSI GeForce GTX 670 card at a decent price. Problem is I want to compare it with my old video card (GeForce 9800 GT), so wanted to run 3DMark 2006 to have a direct comparison of my performance gain. I know...
  2. Pete Reviews

    [Must Watch!] Doctor Who 2005 Series (In General)

    This is a short review in general of the 2005 series of the Sci-Fi show Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a British television series set in the United Kingdom. It features a character that goes by the name “The Doctor”. Some of the villains of the show include Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, the Angels...
  3. askendria

    welcome our new Administrator. “Pete Reviews”.

    Is it a surprise of some kind? I didn’t know this site has a new Admin “Pete Reviews”, join date April 2012. Anyway I’ll find it’s not late to let everyone know about the new Admin and wish him the best specially in his movie reviews. Looks like the new admin likes 'Borat" :fat: Is Borat...
  4. Pete Reviews

    Corner Gas - Dog River, Saskatchewan: A True Canadian Sitcom

    Corner Gas is, by far, one of if not THE absolute BEST Canadian sitcoms of all time. It’s too bad they ended the show and there will never be any more made. There are so many hidden jokes in every episode, and you miss them if you don’t watch the show over and over again. The show ran for 6...
  5. FTA Hacker

    One O.J. Simpson lawyer sues another

    A Las Vegas lawyer who represented O.J. Simpson in his Nevada robbery trial is suing Simpson's lead counsel, charging he was shorted on his fee. Gabriel Grasso, in legal papers filed Friday, says Yale Galanter, a Miami-based criminal defense lawyer known for representing celebrities, promised...
  6. the doctor

    Keystone pipeline faces vote in Senate

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate could vote as early as Thursday on a plan to fast-track the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline, a bid that is unlikely to attract enough Democratic support to pass but will give its Republican supporters an opening to criticize President Barack Obama's energy...
  7. the doctor

    Review: Prettier iPad retains familiar qualities

    I have grown fond of my iPad 2 during the past nine months. So, I was curious if I would like my tablet computer any less once I saw Apple's new and improved iPad. More...
  8. askendria

    The new FTA receiver "Freesat 800 HD"

    The new FTA receiover Freesat 800 HD just came into market, the receiver will work in both iks japan public and private servers. Note: BEV is down in this receiver only at this time due to problem with file. Attn. site addminstrator, please have a new receiver fourm/thread for freesat 800 HD...
  9. I

    [Question?] HDMI To VGA, NEED HELP!

    Okay, so my hd tv is no longer in a functioning order but i have a HP L1706 monitor that is VGA only. link to specs-> and i am wanting to be able to connect my ps3 through hdmi into a converter box of amazon and display it...
  10. the doctor

    US says al-Qaida magazine got into Guantanamo cell (AP)

    AP - A copy of a magazine published by an arm of al-Qaida made its way to a terror suspect at the Guantanamo Bay prison, leading to an inspection of cells and a contentious new policy requiring special review teams to examine correspondence between prisoners and attorneys, U.S. prosecutors said...
  11. the doctor

    Immigration courtrooms silent during ICE review (AP)

    AP - In a trial of a politically divisive program, U.S. prosecutors in Denver and Baltimore are reviewing thousands of deportation cases to determine which illegal immigrants might stay in the country — perhaps indefinitely — so officials can reduce an overwhelming backlog by focusing mainly on...
  12. the doctor

    Army: Some Arlington markers may need replacement (AP)

    AP - Thousands of grave markers at Arlington National Cemetery may need to be replaced or added to accurately account for the dead, following a meticulous Army review of each of the nearly 260,000 headstones and niche covers on the grounds. More...
  13. FTA Hacker

    Gingrich says millions of illegal immigrants should leave

    Washington (CNN) -- Newt Gingrich insisted Sunday that some illegal immigrants who have become full community members should be able to stay in the country, but he added that his policy would require 7 million or more to go back to their home nations before having a chance to return. Appearing...
  14. No Warranty

    RCMP reviews new Pickton investigation allegations

    RCMP say they are reviewing allegations that police could have obtained a search warrant for convicted serial killer Robert Pickton years before they arrested him. More...
  15. FTA Hacker

    TSA may back off airport body scanner health study

    (CNN) -- The Transportation Security Administration may back off a plan to conduct an independent study of the health effects of airport body scanners, saying a soon-to-be-released inspector general's report validates earlier conclusions that the machines are not harmful. TSA Administrator John...
  16. CASPER

    Backlash likely in pursuit of Nigeria militants

    LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria faces a shapeless, shifting threat from a radical Muslim sect that has killed more than 100 people in recent days. While the country boasts one of Africa's strongest armies, a military crackdown could drive more supporters into the extremists' ranks. The U.S. is...
  17. FTA Hacker

    Stranded American researcher evacuated from South Pole

    CNN) -- After weeks of waiting, an American researcher who suffered a suspected stroke while working at the South Pole has arrived in New Zealand for evaluation and treatment, a National Science Foundation official confirmed Monday. Renee-Nicole Douceur, 58, said in an interview on the "Early...
  18. FTA Hacker

    4 valuable additions to your cloud security toolkit

    If you ask IT execs why they're hesitant about moving to the public cloud, security comes up at the top of the list. But security vendors are responding to these concerns with a raft of new products. Here are four interesting cloud security tools that we tested. More...
  19. FTA Hacker

    Read and Write data transfer speeds of SSDs?

    I am pondering with regards to the read and write data transfer speeds of SSDs... Which one is best, should I purchase an ssd such as: Crucial 128GB Real SSD C400 having: Read speed of: 355MB/sec Write speed of: 140MB/sec or OCZ vertex 2 120gb which has: Read speed of: 285MB/sec Write...
  20. FTA Hacker

    Splunk explains it all

    If there's gold in log files, Splunk, Inc's Splunk Enterprise will help you to find it. Splunk bridges the gap between simple log management and security information and event management (SIEM) products from vendors such as ArcSight, RSA, Q1 Labs, and Symantec. More...