
  1. No Warranty

    [Guide:] How to avoid many common internet security mistakes

    Here is a list of common Internet security mistakes that people make. I hope that by posting this it will help others to avoid them. Source: Digit ? Thinkdigit Technology Guides | Technology News Reviews |Free Downloads | Video | Tech Support Forums Online in India
  2. No Warranty

    Fake law firm demands cash from Megaupload users with "settlement" offer

    With the federal government having shut down Megaupload on charges of copyright infringement, scammers betting on the gullibility of former Megaupload users are trying to make a sleazy payday. According to TorrentFreak, users of Megaupload have received letters from a non-existent German law...
  3. No Warranty

    MegaUpload Users Look Into Suing U.S. Over Lost Files

    When the Department of Justice shut down MegaUpload, users storing files legally on the site became collateral damage. Now some want to sue. What are your thoughts? Click here to view the original post.
  4. No Warranty

    Android now accounts for nearly 45% of U.S. smartphone users

    More U.S. smartphone users turned to Android in the third quarter, accounting for nearly 44.8% of some 87 million users, ComScore reported Friday. What are your thoughts? Click here to view the original post.
  5. FTA Hacker

    WiFi users blissfully ignorant about real security, research finds

    New research conducted on behalf of the Wi-Fi Alliance shows that while wireless users are making strides on the security front, they’re still leaving their Wi-Fi networks too open to intruders. More...
  6. FTA Hacker

    Android's big security flaw, and why only Google can fix it

    Device makers and carriers let patches languish, so users may not ever get them -- a new approach is sorely needed More...
  7. FTA Hacker

    Firefox advises users to disable McAfee plugin

    It's the last thing McAfee would want users to hear about one of its products, but the Firefox browser is advising users to disable McAfee's ScriptScan software, saying that it could cause "stability or security problems." More...
  8. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft's botnet take-down helps protect Mac users

    Mac users can thank Microsoft for taking down a small but dangerous botnet -- Kelihos. More...
  9. FTA Hacker

    Visa launches Android person-to-person payments app

    Visa Europe introduced an Android application on Wednesday that lets users send money to other Visa cardholders over their mobile phone, with security measures in place to alert users of possible fraud. More...
  10. FTA Hacker

    Google contacts Iranian users to secure Gmail accounts

    Google is directly contacting users in Iran, who may have been compromised by a rogue SSL certificate, to recommend measures to secure their accounts. More...
  11. FTA Hacker

    Microsoft disables 'supercookies' used on visitors

    Microsoft has disabled an online tracking technology that a Stanford University researcher said allowed the company to sneakily track users on -- even after they deleted browser cookies and other identifiers. More...
  12. FTA Hacker goes down, but only for Firefox users

    A year after a major outage on its banking website, Chase today experienced another problem: An outdated Firefox certificate left some users without access for 45 minutes. More...
  13. FTA Hacker

    Spike in mobile malware doubles Android users' chances of infection

    An explosion in mobile malware during the last six months has more than doubled the chance that a user's Android smartphone will become infected, a security researcher said today. More...
  14. FTA Hacker

    Face recognition and social media meet in the shadows

    Facebook will reach likely reach one billion users this year or next. More...
  15. FTA Hacker

    Google notices will warn search users of malware

    Google has started warning some search users of malware on their computers, after it found unusual search traffic coming through a small number of intermediary servers called proxies. More...
  16. FTA Hacker

    Google+ hit with spam bug

    The Google+ social networking site malfunctioned this weekend, spamming its users with repeated notifications via e-mail. More...
  17. CASPER

    [New Fix] Kbox Prodigy P$ 101_20110127_0005

    Kbox Prodigy P$ File This file is supposed to correct connection problems and let users use multiple servers.
  18. Scammer

    U.S. Congress calls out Facebook

    - Two co-chairs of the House Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus have asked Mark Zuckerberg to reveal secrets about Facebook's ever-changing privacy policy in a letter sent this week. Rep. Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, and Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, sent the bipartisan request Wednesday with a...
  19. Scammer

    Prosat 880 v.122 30/01/2011

    Prosat 880 v.122 30/01/2011 - (. pst) The largest file is for users who are upgrading first. - (. PSB) smaller file for more updates and keep the settings that users make to the receiver. Example: maintain the list of favorite channels.
  20. Scammer

    Egyptian tweets foil Internet blocks While the Internet is still effectively shut down in Egypt, more and more social media users are finding a way to get online and get their messages across.