

    Experts debate destroying last smallpox viruses

    Smallpox, one of the world's deadliest diseases, eradicated three decades ago, is kept alive under tight security today in just two places — the United States and Russia. Many other countries say the world would be safer if those stockpiles of the virus were destroyed. Now for the fifth time...
  2. Scammer

    Virus puts African flocks at risk

    More than 50 million sheep and goats in 15 countries across southern Africa are at risk from a virus with a death rate that can approach 100 percent, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization said Tuesday. While the Small Ruminants' Plague does not infect humans, the U.N. agency...
  3. C

    [Help!] All 00000's automatically

    I need help. My toshiba laptop when it goes into sleep mode then returns active puts all zeros in any selection box I click on such as user name, password or search boxes. I have ran virus scans and utility programs but can't find any problem. I hope some one knows what causes this. Thanks in...

    Swine flu may have been spreading in August

    Swine flu may have been spreading in August -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW YORK – As early as last August, the swine flu virus may have been spreading among people — long before it was first recognized in April, scientists reported...

    Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years

    Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENEVA – The World Health Organization declared a swine flu pandemic Thursday — the first global flu epidemic in 41 years — as infections in the United States...

    Swine flu worse in Mexico than US, but why?

    ATLANTA – Why has the swine flu engulfing Mexico been deadly there, but not in the United States? Nearly all those who died in Mexico were between 20 and 40 years old, and they died of severe pneumonia from a flu-like illness believed caused by a unique swine flu virus. The 11 U.S. victims...
  7. B

    Beware and protect yourself

    Beware and protect yourself -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beware and protect yourself There is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically, orally, and by hand. This virus is called Weary-Overload-Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you...
  8. Rumas

    Free online virus scan Housecall

    Here is a link to a very good online virus scan. It even scans for adware and spyware. Think you have a virus and can't afford to buy one? Well this site can help you out!