Current TV's 'Bar Karma' puts viewers in control


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NEW YORK – A man (or woman) walks into a bar.

Where the story goes from there has been a topic of interest for weeks among online video auteurs, as they help brainstorm Current TV's new user-generated scripted series, "Bar Karma."

Clearly, this isn't just any bar, nor is it just any TV show.

The live-action "Bar Karma" has been described as a blend of "Twilight Zone," "Twin Peaks" and "Cheers," with maybe a little "Lost" thrown in.

Meanwhile, its barroom setting is described by the network as "a mystical watering hole that travels through time and space." Its proprietors (series stars Matthew Humphreys, Cassie Howarth and William Sanderson) are poised to greet each lost soul who happens in the door.

Once there (wherever "there" is), the patron has a crack at changing his or her fate.

"Think of it as a karmic rest stop," says James, the 20,000-year-old barkeep (played by Sanderson, known from "True Blood," "Lost" and "Deadwood").

Happy hour arrives Friday at 10 p.m. EST with the premiere of "Bar Karma."