Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit

Doing My Part

New member
Here's a great article and an interesting read. These companies have no right to go on doing the illegal things they do. Please read, you'll be glad you did.

I highly recommend you read the rest of the article. In fact, I urge you to read it, it may save your life one day.
Here's the source: Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit: Other company's / things that suck!; Families First thinks they are above the law and can disobey the rules of the ...

These companies/corporations need to follow the rules just like the rest of us. They shouldn't be able to get away with illegal activities such as this. We need to stand up and let them know as a whole that we won't put up with them endangering lives like that. Their business is dealing with the dead AFTER they die, not CAUSING them to die. Educate yourselves, I did.