Lawyer: Salmonella suits coming in fast



Lawyer: Salmonella suits coming in fast

MINNEAPOLIS, -- A Minneapolis law firm specializing in food safety cases says lawsuits about salmonella-tainted eggs are coming in "like crazy."
Fred Pritzker of PritzkerOlsen is representing Robin Shaffer of Mantorville, Minn., in her lawsuit against two Iowa egg companies and the owner of a Bemidji, Minn., restaurant where she allegedly contracted the infection, the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reports. He said the firm is also representing several other clients.
"We're getting complaints like crazy about this," Pritzker said.
The Centers for Disease Control says 1,400 cases of salmonella, a bacterial infection that can occasionally be deadly, have been linked to tainted eggs. More than half a million eggs from Hillandale Farms of New Hampton, Iowa, and Quality Egg, which does business as Wright County Eggs, of Galt, have been recalled.
The Shaffer lawsuit says the eggs served at Mi Rancho were from Hillandale. Quality Egg is also named as a defendant because the company allegedly supplied Hillandale with tainted chicken feed.