Police officer guilty of assault


An Edmonton police officer was found guilty Friday of assaulting a man he had taken into custody.

Const. Haoyin Zheng was found guilty of assault in relation to the arrrest of two suspects in a west Edmonton alley on Dec. 15, 2008.

Zheng faced three charges but was found not guilty of assault with a weapon and a second assault charge.

During the trial, Jean-Marc Viau testified that he was sitting handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser when Zheng leaned in, struck him with a flashlight and punched him repeatedly.

While Judge John Henderson found Zheng jostled Viau enough to rock the police cruiser from side-to-side, he believes no punches were thrown.

The judge also found the Crown was unable to prove that Zheng struck Viau with the flashlight.

A sentencing hearing is scheduled for Feb. 11.

Zheng is currently suspended with pay from Edmonton Police. He faces two unrelated assault charges in an arrest on June 6.