[Cool!] Shader Mod Download! Try it (Tut)


New member
Try IT

1. Navigate to your .minecraft folder (google is your friend if you don't know how to do this).
2. Create a new folder called shaderpacks (without capital letters).
3. Place the shaderpacks you wish to use in this directory.
4. Valid shaderpacks include .fsh and .vsh files that the Shaders Mod reads to tell your GPU what to do during runtime. These files must be in a folder named shaders within any shaderpack. Shaderpacks may either be uncompressed folders or .zip files.

The following is an example of the file layout possibilities for the shaderpack Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders v10.0 Ultra
.minecraft/shaderpacks/SEUS v10.0 Ultra/shaders/[.fsh and .vsh shader files here]
.minecraft/shaderpacks/SEUS v10.0 Ultra.zip/shaders/[.fsh and .vsh shader files here]

If this layout is not respected, your installed shaderpacks will not work. This is the first thing you
should check if your game looks like vanilla Minecraft.

5. In Minecraft, go to Options > Shaders. Here you will see a list of your currently installed shaderpacks. Select a shaderpack by clicking on it. Also, ensure that New block breaking is set to true.


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