The Skinny on FCC's XM/Sirius Merger OK


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The Skinny on FCC's XM/Sirius Merger OK

As expected, by a 3-2 vote, commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission late Friday approved the merger between XM and Sirius, with conditions, representatives from the agency confirmed during the weekend.

As of press time late Sunday, however, the FCC had not released final documents and commissioner statements related to the deal.
But the following details are part of the satellite radio merger OK:

Conditions include requiring a combined satellite radio entity to provide a la carte programming choices to consumers. There's also a three-year cap on prices. In addition, a combined satellite radio entity must include interoperable receivers capable of obtaining both satellite radio services within a certain timeframe.

Also, the FCC is requiring a set-aside of 8 percent of channel capacity for minority and public access channels. That would amount to 24 channels, with 12 dedicated to minority programming and the remaining 12 to public access streams.

On another matter, the FCC will conduct a notice of inquiry into whether future satellite radio receivers should include HD Radio chipsets that will allow for reception of the competing digital audio technology from AM and FM stations. That future move would allow interested parties to comment on the proposal.