U.S., South Korea to move exercise site



U.S., South Korea to move exercise site
SEOUL, Bowing to pressure from China, South Korea and the United States say they will change the location of a joint naval exercise seen as a warning to North Korea.

The two countries planned to stage massive naval maneuvers in the Yellow Sea, close to Chinese territory, in a show of military force after North Korea's alleged sinking of a South Korean warship in March, Yonhap news agency reported Thursday.

In an apparent response to Chinese complaints, the exercise will be moved to the Sea of Japan, called the East Sea by South Korea, on the other side of the Korean peninsula from China, a senior South Korean defense ministry official said.

China had warned the exercise near its waters would increase regional tensions.

"The joint South Korea-U.S. naval drill will be staged in the East Sea," the official said, saying he expects the exercise to be carried out this month.

Asked if China's protests affected the decision to change the location, the official replied, "It can't be ruled out."