Starcraft Cheats


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show me the money - 10,000 Minerals and Gas
whats mine is mine - 500 Crystals
breathe deep - 500 Vespene Gas
medieval man - All Research Abilities
modify the phase variance - Build Anything
staying alive - Continue Playing After Win
ophelia - Enable Mission Select
noglues - Enemy Can't Use Psionics
operation cwal - Faster Building
the gathering - Free Unit Spells/Abilities
something for nothing - Free Upgrades
game over man - Instant Loss
there is no cow level - Instant Win
power overwhelming - Invincible Units
war aint what it used to be - No Fog of War
food for thought - No Supply Limit
radio free zerg - Plays the secret Zerg theme song
protoss# (Replace # with number of mission.) - Protoss Level Skip
black sheep wall - Reveal Entire Map
terran# (Replace # with number of mission.) - Terran Level Skip
zerg# (Replace # with number of mission.)