
  1. adrienshepard

    minecraft staff application by mj10

    username:mj10 i like this server sense 5 days ago i dont care about the lagging out i just wants some friends thanks
  2. No Warranty

    'Oh not again' says Kamloops widow after care home homicide

    After the death of an elderly man at a Vernon care home on Sunday, a woman, whose husband died after he was attacked at a care home in Kamloops, says the province needs to do a better job of protecting seniors with dementia from violence at the hands of other patients. More...
  3. adrienshepard

    [ALERT!] minecraft server griefed with out op!

    i was not op but i had access to //wand and //set which bypassed the safezone so i was able to grief im unbanned from the server and the owner is lieing and saying he doesent care heres a vid of me doing this to his server so let this be a lesson dont give world edit to admins instead of ops!
  4. adrienshepard

    [Awesome!] bigest minecraft hacker ever

    on this server i was a mod at the time and he wasent and he was flying no one gave him fly i recorded it and showed the admins and they dident care ban iprizzy from your server asap or youle get a bunch of hackers on your server
  5. No Warranty

    Canadian foster care in crisis, experts say

    Child advocates are warning of a deepening crisis across the country as some children are placed in foster care without full safety checks while others wind up in supervised apartments or overcrowded homes. More...
  6. the doctor

    Gov't defends core of health care overhaul (AP)

    AP - Defending President Barack Obama's signature health care overhaul, the administration is urging the Supreme Court to uphold the contentious heart of the law, the requirement that individuals buy insurance or pay a penalty. More...
  7. the doctor

    Bright spots, dark clouds

    AP - Bullish yet wary, President Barack Obama is highlighting recent economic bright spots while taking care not to overstate a recovery that still has not put millions back to work. More...
  8. No Warranty

    Flaherty, finance ministers face big task in B.C.

    Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets with his provincial counterparts in Victoria, and the future of federal funding for health care and pensions is expected to dominate the discussions. More...
  9. No Warranty

    Shark attack survivor questions care in Mexico

    An Ontario nurse who needed surgery to reattach part of her leg after a shark attack in Mexico is questioning some of the care she received. More...
  10. No Warranty

    Baby's death caused by neglect, chiefs claim

    Manitoba aboriginal leaders are claiming that a baby has died as a result of poor medical care at a nursing station in a remote northern community. More...
  11. the doctor

    Thomas, Kagan asked to sit out health care case (AP)

    AP - Conservative interest groups and Republican lawmakers want Justice Elena Kagan off the health care case. Liberals and Democrats in Congress say it's Justice Clarence Thomas who should sit it out. More...
  12. the doctor

    Excavating key differences among GOP candidates (AP)

    AP - The Republican presidential candidates sound much alike in their zeal to shrink government, cut taxes and replace President Barack Obama's big health care law with, well, something entirely different. It takes some digging to see the distinctions. More...
  13. the doctor

    Obama health care law has unexpected beneficiaries (AP)

    AP - President Barack Obama's health care law created a $5 billion fund to shore up coverage for early retirees, and some of that money is flowing to places you might not expect. More...
  14. No Warranty

    Foster mother gets 6-year sentence in boy's death

    An Edmonton foster mother convicted of manslaughter in the death of a three-year-old boy in her care has been sentenced to six years in prison. More...
  15. No Warranty

    Mother denies allegations that led to baby's seizure

    The mother of a 4½-month-old Alberta infant who died six days after she was taken into government care is rejecting the allegations that led to the child's seizure. "Somebody just can't come into your home and say you're unfit and take your baby away," the woman said Thursday in an interview...
  16. Scammer

    Doctors, nurses among record number charged with Medicare fraud

    -- Federal authorities indicted and arrested more than 100 doctors, nurses and health care executives nationwide Thursday in what officials said was the biggest crackdown ever in a single day in connection with Medicare fraud. "We are pleased to announce the largest federal health care fraud...
  17. Scammer

    Senate Democrats block GOP bid to repeal health care law

    -- Senate Democrats on Wednesday blocked a Republican effort to repeal the health care law passed last year. The party-line vote, with all 47 Republicans in favor and 51 Democrats opposed, meant the procedural motion failed to get the necessary 60 votes to pass. Two Democrats didn't vote...
  18. Scammer

    GOP steps up health care offensive | Toobin: Bound for high court

    The fight over the health care reform law ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge on Monday will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court, said CNN senior legal analyst Jeff Toobin. "This Supreme Court is very evenly divided between liberals and conservatives. Anthony Kennedy tends to be...
  19. Scammer

    Judge tosses health care reform law -- A federal judge in Florida has tossed out the sweeping health care reform law championed by President Barack Obama, setting up what is likely to be a contentious Supreme Court challenge over the legislation in coming...
  20. Scammer

    Seniors forced to live in Man. high school

    A Manitoba doctor is raising questions about why more isn't being done to help 28 seniors forced out of their care home and into a high school in a remote First Nations community. The seniors were moved from their care facility in Oxford House early Wednesday after part of the ceiling...